Climate Change

I am a math professor at MassBay Community College in MA and a Return Peace Corp Volunteer. In March 2022 I wrote an equation (see below) for my calculus class. After entering all the known scientific data I realized science is categorically telling us that climate change will annihilate the human race. One month later after years of extensive research the UN Secretary General (April 4, 2022) reached a similar conclusion stating that we are making the earth “uninhabitable”.

That means that future generations of your family and mine will not come into existence because there will be no one here to give birth to them. The history of our families will disappear because there will be no one here to remember. This is preventable if we educate the public.

In the Peace Corp there is a saying “If you are not part of the solution are you not part of the problem” If you disagree with the conclusion of the Secretary General and the equation, then it is justified to ignore it.

If you do agree with the conclusion, which is the human race will be annihilated, are we not morally, ethically and spiritually required to prevent it?

Professor Robert O’Connell


H = habitability (does a planet support human life)
c = means change
t = as time passes
Components that make the earth suitable for life.

T = temperature
Pf = perma-frost
P = peat bogs
G = glacier, polar ice caps
A = arable land for growing food
F = forest
W = potable water
S = intensity of storms
O = ocean
Ox = oxygen
So in cH/t the numerator means how the planet’s ability to support human life
is changing and the denominator means as time passes.

cH/t = cT/t + cPf/t +cP/t + cG/t + cA/t + cF/t + cW/t + cS/t + cO/t + cOx/t +  ?  + ⋯

Every component to the right of the equal signs contributes to making the earth suitable for living
and are rapidly deteriorating.
Hence habitability is declining and ultimately the earth will not support human life.
Climate change is self-propelling.
For example, permafrost melts releasing more carbon which traps more heat causing
the temperature to increase causing more permafrost to melt.
The sequence of melting and gas release continues but at an accellerated rate. Hence each layer of permafrost
melts faster than the previous layer until the time lag between melting and temperature increase is minute.
This is one cause of the massive danger facing the human race.
There are other factors contributing to this acceleration.
The peat bogs are drying out releasing more heat trapping gases.
The ice caps which reflect some of the sun's heat back into space are melting and hence
more of the heat remains on the earth to be trapped. This cycle constantly repeats and is accelerating.

Green-Party of MA

Be proactive not passive. We can solve the problem.